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ructo , āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
I.a. (dep. collat. form, ructor , Varr. R. R. 3, 2, 3: “ructatur,Hor. A. P. 457: ructaretur, Cic. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 263 Müll.) [rugo, whence ructus, erugo, eructo], to belch, eructate (class).
I. Lit.
b. Act., to belch up a thing: aves hospitales, i. e. to have the taste of them in one's mouth, Varr. R. R. 3, 2, 3: “acida,Plin. 20, 17, 68, § 176: “glandem,Juv. 6, 10: “partem exiguam cenae,id. 4, 31: “aprum,Mart. 9, 49, 8: “cruorem,Sil. 2, 685; 15, 435.—
B. Transf.: “fumum (terra),” i. e. to send forth, emit, Pall. Aug. 8, 7.—
II. Trop., in a contemptuous sense, to belch out, give out, utter (cf. evomo): “versus,Hor. A. P. 457: propinquitates semideum, i. e. to have in one's mouth, be always talking about them, Sid. Carm. 23, 252: “potor Mosellae Tiberim ructas,though a Gaul, you speak like a Roman, Sid. Ep. 4, 17.
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