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_brīca , ae, f. from ruberica, from ruber (sc. terra), earth of any kind.
II. In partic., red earth for coloring, ruddle, red-ochre, red-chalk: “buccas rubrica, cera omne corpus intinxit tibi,Plaut. Truc. 2, 2, 39: “rubricā delibatus,Auct. Her. 3, 22, 37: “proelia rubricā picta aut carbone,Hor. S. 2, 7, 98; Vitr. 7, 7; Plin. 35, 6, 14, § 33; 6, 30, 35, § 190: “si oculo rubricam dirigat uno,Pers. 1, 66 et saep. —
B. Transf. (post-Aug.).
1. The title of a law, the rubric (because written in red): interdicta proponuntur sub rubricā Unde vi (Dig. 43, 16; “Cod. 8, 4) aliqua enim sub hoc titulo interdicta sunt,Dig. 43, 1, 2 fin.
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