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ex-cŏlo , cŏlŭi, cultum, 3, v. a., work carefully, to tend, cultivate.
I. Lit. (very rare, and mostly post-Aug.): “vineas,Plin. 14, 4, 5, § 48; cf. rura, Claud. ap. Eutr. 2, 196: “victum hominum (boves),Plin. 8, 47, 72, § 187: “lanas rudes,” i. e. to spin fine, Ov. A. A. 2, 220.—
II. Trop.
B. Of persons, to honor (poet., and very rare, for the class. colere): “deos,Phaedr. 4, 11, 10: “aliquem,Ov. Pont. 1, 7, 59.
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