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bĕnĕdīco , xi, ctum, ĕre, v. n. and
I.a., to speak well of any one, to commend, praise.
I. In gen., in class. Lat. always as two words, v. bene, I. B. 1.—
II. Esp.
A. In late and eccl. Lat. with acc.
1. Deum, to bless, praise, or adore (Heb. ), App. Trism. fin.; Vulg. Psa. 112, 2.—Pass.: “benedici Deum omni tempore condecet,Tert. Orat. 3: Deus benedicendus, App. Trism. fin.; Vulg. Gen. 24, 48; id. Jacob. 3, 9.— Rarely with dat.: “benedic Domino,Vulg. Psa. 102, 1 sq.
2. Of men and things, to bless, consecrate, hallow (Heb. and )' requievit die septimo eumque benedixit, Lact. 7, 14, 11; cf. Vulg. Gen. 2, 3; id. Marc. 6, 41: altarium, Sulp. de Vita S. Martini, 2, 2: benedictum oleum, Hier. Vit. Hilar. med.: “martyres,Tert. Mart. 1; Grut. 875, 3 al.—Sometimes with dat.: “benedixit domui Israel,Vulg. Psa. 113, 12; 64, 12.—
B. Herba benedicta, the plant also called lagopus or leporinus pes, App. Herb. 61.— Hence,
1. bĕnĕdictum , i, n. (prop. as two words), v bene, I. B. 1. g.—
2. bĕnĕ-dictus , i, m., an approved person, blessed one (eccl. Lat.): “venite, benedicti Patris mei,Vulg. Matt. 25, 34 al.
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