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consule Milone: equiv. to a fut. protasis; ยง 52!, a (310, a); B. 305, I , G. 600, I; H. 575, 9 (507, N.7); H.-B. 578, 6. Milo was a candidate for the consulship.

fieri, was likely to be elected (i.e. as things were going at the time of speaking, hence the pres.).

convocabat, not officially, but in the course of his canvass.

Collinam novam, a new Colline tribe. Of the thirty-five tribes, the four city tribes ranked lowest, because the freedmen and poor citizens were placed in them; and of these the Collina was least reputable of all. It was through the collegia compitalicia, or local clubs, that Clodius worked upon the city tribes; and, by the exaggerated expression that he registered an entirely new Collina, it appears to be meant that the new and perhaps fraudulent names that he got upon the list outnumbered the genuine voters.

ille, Clodius; hic, Milo (as generally in this speech).

suffragiis: there had already been several attempts to elect magistrates, which had failed through the obstructive tricks familiar to Roman politicians. Hence the preference of the citizens was already well known by their votes.

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge, G. L. Kittredge, J. B. Greenough, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, 52
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