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TARVISIUM (Treviso) Veneto, Italy.

The site is in the plain of the Silis river, a short distance from the ancient Via Claudia Augusta. There have been finds in the area and in surrounding zones from the prehistoric and early Venetic periods. The name is probably of Celtic derivation. The written documentation (Plin. HN 3.126,130; Paul. Diac. 2.12-13; 3.26; CIL V, 201ff) is scarce and late. A municipium of the tenth Augustan region, perhaps by 49 B.C. it was at the center of an agricultural area with indication of centuriation and traces of roads. Inscriptions attest to several structures including a quadrivium, walls, a crypt, and a templum. The small finds (funerary stelai, portraits, minor objects) are preserved in the local Museo Civico, along with other material of various provenance collected between 1873 and 1932.


Fluss, “Tarvisium,” PW 4A (1931) 2452-53; G. Traversari, Arte antica e moderna (1964) 117ff, 249ff, 382ff; G. Pilla, “Nota preliminare sul rilevamento della centuriazione trevigiana,” AttiVen 74 (1965-66) 405-10; L. Beschi, “Treviso,” EAA 7 (1966) 980-81.


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