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FAVENTIA (Faenza) Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

A Roman city on the Via Aemilia near the Lamone river, and ca. 29 km SW of Ravenna. It was founded in the course of Roman settlement of the region in the Late Republican period. The city was involved in the events of the civil war at the time of Sulla. It had a certain economic importance as the center of an agricultural area that produced linen and wine; and also as a crossroads. Faventia was a rather early diocesan center.

The city had an orthogonal plan, still largely conserved; and an earlier circuit wall of limited extent in opera quadrata. The city developed outside the wall in the Imperial period, including also several irregular traces of a suburb. The orientation is the same as that of the centuriation axial on the Via Aemilia. Even though no buildings of any importance remain, Faventia is one of the best documented cities of the region. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Medri, Faenza romana (1947); Monti, “Archeologia faentina,” Studi faentini in memoria di G. Rossini (Soc. di Studi romagnoli, 1966) 67-174MPI.


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