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The villa of Fliessem lies on a SE slope ca. 5 km N-NE of Bitburg (Beda Vicus) and 800 m E of the Roman road from Trier to Cologne. About 380 x 133 m in area, it comprises a manor house and walled farmyard with stalls, barns, and servants' quarters. The site of the ruins, known locally as Weilerbusch, was exposed in 1825 and revealed, in addition to a settlement of the Late Iron Age, a villa with 66 chambers, halls, and rooms, partly heated by hypocausts. Originally a porticoed villa with wings, it was enlarged before the 4th c. by rebuilding and additions. On the W, S, and E sides it was provided with projections and corner pavilions, while on the valley side the ground was artificially terraced and a cryptoporticus built with a colonnade above it, so that the building offered richly articulated facades on three sides. In the area NW of the house were a small bath and a larger, later bath complex 100 sq. m in area, with apodyterium, frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium, sudatorium and praefurnium. Three of the larger rooms in the E tract were heated and had mosaic floors with geometric ornaments—rosettes, rhomboids, volute-panels—severe in composition and delicately colored. Of 13 original mosaics, four are preserved in situ. On the slope opposite, in the entrance hall, is a sanctuary with two rectangular Gallo-Roman temples with ambulatories, dedicated, according to votive coins, to Diana and Minerva. After its flowering in the 2d c. (as dated by the mosaics), the estate remained under cultivation to the end of the Roman period. Destroyed in the 5th c., the community was resettled by the Franks as indicated by a Frankish stone sarcophagus found in the villa.


E. Gose, “Der Tempelbezirk von Otrang bei Fliessen,” Trierer Zeitschr. 7 (1932) 123; P. Steiner, “Das römische Landgut bei Fliessem,” Führungsblätter des Landesmuseums Trier 8 (1939).


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