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CAELIA (Ceglie di Bari) Apulia, Italy.

Strabo (6.282) places this city between Egnatia and Canusium, and Ptolemy (3.1.73) lists it among the cities of Peucetia. The Peutinger Table confirms the testimony of Strabo and locates it ca. 14 km from Butuntum on the Via Traiana, a distance corresponding to the position of modern Ceglie del Campo, 8 km S of Bari, where there are the ruins of the city walls. Coins with the legend Kailinon are attributed to the city. A Latin inscription indicates that Caelia was ascribed to the tribus Claudia (CIL VI, 2382b, 33); another records an Augustalis (CIL IX, 6197). Ager Caelinus also appears in the Libri Coloniarum. Archaeological finds from the site are in the museums at Bari and Taranto.


W. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, I (1856) 464 (E. H. Bunbury); E. De Ruggiero, Dizionario epigrafico di antichità romane, II (1900) 5; K. Miller, Itineraria Romana (1916) 376; V. Roppo, Caeliae (1920).


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