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[586d] pursuing these ends without regard to consideration and reason?” “The same sort of thing,” he said, “must necessarily happen in this case too.” “Then,” said I, “may we not confidently declare that in both the gain-loving and the contentious part of our nature all the desires that wait upon knowledge and reason, and, pursuing their pleasures in conjunction with them,1 take only those pleasures which reason approves,2 will, since they follow truth, enjoy the truest3 pleasures, so far as that is possible for them, and also the pleasures that are proper to them and their own,

1 Cf. Phaedo 69 B, and Theaet. 176 Bμετὰ φρονήσεως.

2 ἐξηγῆται has a religious tone. See on ἐξηγητής427 C. Cf. 604 B.

3 Cf. on 583 B, p. 380, note b.

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