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My grandfather, men of Athens, the father of my mother, was Damostratus of Melitê.1 To him were born four children; by his first wife a daughter and a son Amytheon, and by his second wife Chaerestratê my mother and Timocrates. These also had children. Amytheon had a son Damostratus, who bore the same name as his grandfather, and two others, Callistratus and Dexitheus. Amytheon, my mother's brother, was one of those who served in the campaign in Sicily2 and were killed there, and he lies buried in the public tomb.3 These facts will be proved to you by testimony.

1 Melitê, a deme of the tribe Cecropis.

2 The disastrous expedition to Sicily was sent out in 415 B.C.

3 A cenotaph, of course.

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    • Raphael Kühner, Bernhard Gerth, Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, KG 1.pos=2.1
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