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[30] Again, it is shown that he was born in a period when, even if he was an Athenian on one side only, he was entitled to citizenship; for he was born before the archonship of Hucleides.1

With regard to my mother (for they make her too a reproach against me) I will speak, and will call witnesses to support my statements. And yet, men of Athens, in reproaching us with service in the market Eubulides has acted, not only contrary to your decree, but also contrary to the laws which declare that anyone who makes business in the market a reproach against any male or female citizen shall be liable to the penalties for evil-speaking.

1 In the archonship of Eucleides in 403 B.C., on the motion of Aristophon, an old law of Solon's was revived and put into effect, which declared that, in order to possess full civic rights, a man must be born of parents both of whom were Athenians. The law was naturally not retroactive.

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