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To Pan

“The poem to Pan by Castorion of Soli, according to Clearchus, is of this kind: each of its feet beginning and ending without breaking a word, it has all its ‘meters’1 interchangeable [ i.e. interchangeable in the same line], thus:2

O Thou that hast thy dwelling in Arcadias's snow-storm-beaten land, Thee Pan, thou herdsman of wild beasts, will I praise with an all-famous compound of verse in this cunning style, verse hard, Lord, for the unskilled to understand; O Beast that servest the Muses, and utterest wax-poured3 charms ...

and the rest in the same way. Now each of these ‘meters,’4 whatever its position in the line, will give the same metre or rhythm, thus

σὲ τὸν βολαῖς νιφοκτύποις δυσχείμερον


νιφοκτύποις σὲ τὸν βολαῖς δυσχείμερον.

Note too that each of the ‘meters' consists of eleven letters.5

Athenaeus Doctors at Dinner

To Dionysus

“In the procession of the Dionysia which he celebrated when he was archon (in 309 B.C.) the chorus sang in his honour a poem by Castorion 6 of Soli, in which he was called Sun-like, thus:

and before all others the high-born Sun-like Archon extolleth Thee with holy honours.7

Athenaeus Doctors at Dinner

1 the Gk. has ‘feet,’ but this must be a mistake; a ‘meter’ contains two feet

2 the translation attepmts no more than an English version of the Gk. words

3 i.e. poured from the wax-jointed Pan-pipes

4 the Gk. has ‘feet,’ but this must be a mistake; a ‘meter’ contains two feet

5 true except for the last line, where therefore we should read the Doric form μωσοπόλε for μουσοπόλε

6 the mss have Seiron or omit the name

7 the metre is melic

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load focus Greek (J. M. Edmonds, 1931)
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