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4. Having first stirred up the people with such words as these (and he had a very loud voice, and was most vigorous in his speaking), he introduced two laws, one providing that if the people had deprived any magistrate of his office, such magistrate should not be allowed to hold office a second time; and another providing that if any magistrate had banished a citizen without trial, such magistrate should be liable to public prosecution. [2] Of these laws, one had the direct effect of branding with infamy Marcus Octavius, who had been deposed from the tribunate by Tiberius; and by the other Popillius was affected, for as praetor he had banished the friends of Tiberius. Popillius, indeed, without standing his trial, fled out of Italy; but the other law was withdrawn by Caius himself, who said that he spared Octavius at the request of his mother Cornelia. [3] The people were pleased at this and gave their consent, honouring Cornelia no less on account of her sons than because of her father; indeed, in after times they erected a bronze statue of her, bearing the inscription: ‘Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi.’ There are on record also many things which Caius said about her in the coarse style of forensic speech, when he was attacking one of his enemies: ‘What,’ said he, ‘dost thou abuse Cornelia, who gave birth to Tiberius?’ [4] And since the one who had uttered the abuse was charged with effeminate practices, ‘With what effrontery,’ said Caius, ‘canst thou compare thyself with Cornelia? Hast thou borne such children as she did? And verily all Rome knows that she refrained from commerce with men longer than thou hast, though thou art a man.’ Such was the bitterness of his language, and many similar examples can be taken from his writings.

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