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[97] Hence it is evident that one's birth is more affected by local environment than by the condition of the moon. Of course, the [p. 481] statement quoted by you that the Babylonians for 470,000 years1 had taken the horoscope of every child and had tested it by the results, is untrue; for if this had been their habit they would not have abandoned it. Moreover we find no writer who says that the practice exists or who knows that it ever did exist.

47. "You observe that I am not repeating the arguments of Carneades, but those of Panaetius, the head of the Stoic school. But now on my own initiative I put the following questions: Did all the Romans who fell at Cannae have the same horoscope? Yet all had one and the same end. Were all the men eminent for intellect and genius born under the same star? Was there ever a day when countless numbers were not born?

1 Cf. i. 19. 36.

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