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The great battle in the Valley.

Disconnected as our information is from the Valley, we have yet sufficient intelligence to satisfy us that our little army has covered itself with glory and won an imperishable renown. History records not a more determined fight than that which has crowned the of Barton's Mills, in Frederick county, with an undying lustre. The blood of the brave sons of Virginia was there poured out profusely, and the Yankee invaders have received a blow which robe their occupancy of the field of conflict of the meal of victory.--With our little army — scares 3,500 strong in the engagement--Gen. Jackson fought 18,000 of the foe for three hours, and only yielded the field when night closed in upon the struggle. It was a desperate fight, a daring and gallant conflicts and although many a brave and gallant spirit has fallen upon our side whose lost we mourn, we rejoice in a combat which has tested and so fully proven the inextinguishable ardor of our Virginia military. Better troops than those who fought in the battle of Sunday last were never drawn up in line of battle. The testimony of Gen. Jackson is, that every man acted the hero.

The loss on both sides is very heavy; our own from 300 to 400; that of the enemy estimated at from 1200 to 1500. Among the killed we have the names of Col. L. T. Moore, of Winchester, Thomas H. Townes, former delegate in the Legislature from Jefferson county, and Bushrod and George Washington, privates in the Botts Grays, from Jefferson in the wounded, we hear of Col. Echols, of the 20th regiment of Virginia volunteers, and Lieut. Richard Henry Lee, of the 2d regiment. The latter was shot down while waving a flag and gallantly cheering his men, our pricely advance of his regiment. This regiment is said to have sustained a loss of about one hundred.

Gen. Jackson had fallen back as far as Woodstock, point he was stationed on Tuesday night.

The gallant Ash by was picketing about five miles below the town, and fighting was going on between the pickets of the two armies. The enemy were at Strasburg with a heavy

The following dispatch was received by Gov. Letcher last evening.

Staunton, March 26
--Gen. Jackson's army is between Mount Jackson and Woodstock, in good condition. Col. Echols was wounded in the arm near the shoulder. Captains Robertson and Hollaway are wounded and taken prisoners. Lieut. Junkin, instead of Major Jackson, is missing, 150 wounded arrived here this evening. The Yankees fired on our flag of truce, and refused to permit us to bury the dead. The enemy's loss is very heavy. They were repulsed and driven from the field twice."

We append two dispatches which were received by gentlemen in this city yesterday afternoon.

Staunton, March 26, 1862.
--No one killed in Rockbridge artillery--four wounded. So soon at last of casualties gets here this evening, I will send it to you."

Staunton, March 26, 1862
--5 o'clock P. M. Capt. Clarke has left Ashby safe. Colonel Echols wounded. Our loss is 350--the enemy's much larger."

From a gentleman who came down on the train last evening, we learn that the withdrawal from the field was effected in the most admirable order, and that the finest spirit prevailed among the troops on Tuesday. They were anxious for another conflict with the invading horde.

Gen. Shields, the Federal commander, is reported to be seriously wounded.

After the fight was ended, and our army had withdrawn from the field, the 5th Virginia regiment, which had been held as a reserve during the engagement, was sent forward with a flag of truce to bury the dead, when the dastardly enemy fired upon it, selling and wounding several. Another evidence of the uncivilized warfare that is being waged upon us.

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