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In Memory of Widow Anna Rand, who died May 11, 1831, Aet 94.

In Memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Thomas Rand, who died Nov. 22, 1823, Aet 45.

Erected to the Memory of Martha, dau'tr of Captain Edward & Mrs. Elizabeth Cutter, who died Oct. 6, 1818, Aetat 3 years.

Happy Infant, early blest,
Rest in peaceful slumber rest,
Early rescu'd from the cares
Which increase with growing years.

Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Samuel Cutter, who died April 12, 1820, Aged 62 years.

Just in the last distressing hour
The Lord display'd delivering power,
The Mount of danger is the place
Where we have witness'd surprising Grace.

In Memory of Mrs. Susan Tufts, wife of Timothy Tufts, who died June 17, 1827, Ae 37.

Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Timothy & Susan Tufts, who died Oct. 19, 1827, aged 17 years.

They've fled this world of cares
For brighter realms above.

Sacred to the Memory of Timothy W. Tufts, who died Feb. 24, 1837, Aged 23 years.

Also Susan W. Tufts, who died April 20, 1838, aged 29 years. Children of Timothy Tufts.

Sacred to the Memory of Timothy Tufts, who died Mar. 11, 1839, aged 52 Yrs.

Also Charlotte C. Tufts, daughter of Timothy Tufts, who died June 30, 1839, Aged 19 years.

Also Lydia N., daughter of Timothy Tufts, who died Mar. 4, 1846, Aged 22 Yrs.

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Timothy Tufts (5)
Susan Tufts (2)
Timothy W. Tufts (1)
Susan W. Tufts (1)
Charlotte C. Tufts (1)
Thomas Rand (1)
Anna Rand (1)
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Elizabeth Cutter (1)
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