
English men of letters.

Edited by John Morley.

Three biographies in each volume

Cloth. 12mo. Price, $1.00, each

Chaucer. By Adolphus William Ward. Spenser. By R. W. Church. Dryden. By George Saintsbury.

Milton. By Mark Pattison, B. D. Goldsmith. By William Black. Cowper. By Goldwin Smith.

Byron. By John Nichol. Shelley. By John Addington Symonds. Keats. By Sidney Colvin, M. A.

Wordsworth. By F. W. H. Myers. Southey. By Edward Dowden. Landor. By Sidney Colvin, M. A.

Lamb. By Alfred Ainger. Addison. By W. J. Courthope. Swift. By Leslie Stephen.

Scott. By Richard H. Hutton. Burns. By Principal Shairp. Coleridge. By H. D. Traill.

Hume. By T. H. Huxley, F. R.S. Locke. By Thomas Fowler. Burke. By John Morley.

Fielding. By Austin Dobson. Thackeray. By Anthony Trollope. Dickens. By Adolphus William Ward.

Gibbon. By J. Cotter Morison. Carlylze. By John Nichol. Macaulay. By J. Cotter Morison.

Sidney. By J. A. Symonds. De Quincey. By David Masson. Sheridan. By Mrs. Oliphant.

Pope. By Leslie Stephen. Johnson. By Leslie Stephen. Gray. By Edmund Gosse.

Bacon. By R. W. Church. Bunyan. By J. A. Froude. Bentley. By R. C. Jebb.

Published by the Macmillan Company

66 Fifth Avenue, New York

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