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[211] the foreman to lock up the type and tell no one of its existence. The next day, when Greeley found that the article was not in the paper, he accosted Gay in a rage, saying, “They tell me you ordered my leader out of this morning's paper. Is it your paper or mine? I should like to know if I can not print what I choose in my own paper.” Gay replied that the article was still in type, and could be used, but added: “Only this, Mr. Greeley. I know New York, and I hope and believe before God that there is so much virtue in New York that, if I had let that article go into this morning's paper, there would not be one brick upon another in the Tribune office now.” Greeley never alluded to the subject again.1

The following statement has recently been printed: “It was known to but few persons at the time-and those then connected with the New York Tribune--that President Lincoln paid a visit to Horace Greeley, at the Tribune office, of a most sacred nature and presumably of a most urgent and important character, somewhere about the time of the accession of Grant to the office of commander-in-chief of the army, arriving in the evening ”

1 Hale's Lowell and his Friends, pp. 178, 179.

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Horace Greeley (4)
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