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[13] abolition in the District of Columbia, and to suggest the formation of anti-slavery societies. The hunting of escaped slaves was common at this time in the North, and occasionally they preferred death to capture. Yet with such things taking place before their eyes, the population was blind to the iniquity of the system which rendered them possible. Garrison's management of the new paper was most successful. We have Horace Greeley's authority for the statement that it was “about the most interesting newspaper ever issued in Vermont.”

Lundy at Baltimore had watched the course of his disciple with pleasure, and in 1829 he came to Bennington, walking much of the way, to persuade him to join him in editing the Genius. Garrison did not hesitate for a moment to follow his friend's example and to give up a promising career for the certain want and hardship of a life consecrated to the liberation of the slave. He proceeded to Baltimore, and in September his name appears with Lundy's in the latter's paper. His experiences at Baltimore accentuated his hatred of slavery. He saw the auction of Negoes continually in progress, for many poor wretches were sold here and shipped to the New Orleans market. With his own ears he heard, while walking in the streets of the city, “the distinct application of a whip and the ”

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