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3. Sex. Papinius Allienus, consul A. D. 36, with Q. Plautius (Tac. Ann. 6.40; Dio Cass, Iviii. 26; Plin. Nat. 10.2). Pliny relates (H. N. 15.14) that this Papinius was the first person who introduced tubaes (a kind of apple) into Italy, and he likewise states that he saw him in his consulship. The Sex. Papinius of a consular family, who threw himself down headlong from a height (A. D. 37), in order to escape from the unhallowed lust of his mother, was probably a son of the consul. (Tac. Ann. 6.49.)

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36 AD (1)
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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Tacitus, Annales, 6.40
    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 10.2
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