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2. A philosopher, also a native of Halicarnassus, who wrote two books "On Dreams" (Περὶ ὀνείρων, Suidas, s.v.). This must be the Panyasis, whom Arteniodorus refers to in his Oneirocritica (1.64, 2.35), and whom he expressly calls a Halicarnassian. Tzschirner conjectures that the passage of Duris above referred to has reference to this Panyasis ; that the poet had a son named Diodes, and that the philosopher was therefore a grandson of the poet, and was called a Samian by Duris from his residence in that island. That Suidas has confounded the two persons, as he frequently does, seems probable from his calling the poet τερατοσκόπος, an epithet which would be much more appropriate to the philosopher, who wrote upon dreams.

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