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Ξενοφῶν), the name of two (or more probably three) physicians.

1. A pupil of Praxagoras (Oribas. Coll. Medic. 44.8, p. 12, in Mai's Class. Auct. e Vatic. Codic. Edit. Rom. 1831), who must therefore have lived in the fourth century B. C., perhaps also in the third. He is probably the native of Cos mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (2.6.59); perhaps also the physician quoted by Caelius Aurelianus (De Morb. Chron. 2.13, p. 416). It is also shown by M. Littré (Oeuvres d'Hippocr. vol. i. pp. 75, 76) that he is the person alluded to, but not named, by Galen (Comment. in Hippocr. Prognost. 1.4, vol. xviii. pt. ii. p. 19); and therefore he is perhaps also the physician mentioned by the same author (De Dieb. Decret. 2.7, vol. ix. p. 872), as having written on the subject of critical days.

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