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6. L. Vitellius, the son of Lucius, and the brother of Aulus, afterwards emperor, was consul in A. D. 48. He was one of those who advised the death of Caecina (Tac. Hist. 3.37); and he is accused of taking off Junius Blaesus by poison. When A. Vitellius quitted Rome for the camp in the Apennines, Lucius was left to defend the city ; but on the news of Tarracina being occupied by the partizans of Vespasian, the emperor sent his brother Lucius with six cohorts and five hundred horse to put down the insurrection in Campania. Lucius took Tarracina (Tac. Hist. 3.76, &c.), and made a great slaughter. If he had marched to Rome after this success, he might have made a formidable resistance to the party of Vespasian, for Lucius was a man of great activity and energy. But the feeble conduct of the emperor at Rome soon brought the contest to an end. Lucius was on his march from Tarracina to Rome, when he surrendered to the party of Vespasian, and was taken to the city and put to death. (Tac. Hist. 4.2; D. C. 65.22.)


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