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3. A king of Thrace, or more properly of the Odrysians, contemporary with Alexander the Great, to whom he was tributary. But in B. C. 325, Zopyrion, who had been left by the Macedonian king as governor in Thrace, having fallen in an expedition against the Getae, Seuthes raised the standard of revolt (Curt. 10.1.45). He appears to have been for the time repressed by Antipater ; but after the death of Alexander (B. C. 323), we find him again in arms, and opposing Lysimachus, the new governor of Thrace, with an army of 20,000 foot and 8000 horse. An obstinate struggle ensued, without any decisive result; and both parties withdrew, we are told, to prepare for a renewal of the contest. (Diod. 18.14.) No further account of this has been transmitted to us, but it is clear that Seuthes was ultimately compelled to acknowledge the authority of Lysimachus. In B. C. 313, however, he took advantage of the war between the Thracian king and Antigonus to declare in favour of the latter, and occupied the passes of Mount Haemus with an army, but was once more defeated by Lysimachus. and finally reduced to submission. (Id. 19.73.)


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