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13. Q. Pompeius Rufus, praetor B. C. 63. His cognomen shows that he belonged to the preceding family, but his descent is quite uncertain. In his praetorship he was sent to Capua, where he remained part of the following year, because it was feared that the slaves in Campana and Apulia might rise in support of Catiline. In B. C. 61 he obtained the province of Africa, with the title of proconsul, which he governed with great integrity, according to Cicero. He did not, however, succeed in obtaining the consulship, although he was alive some years afterwards, for we find him bearing witness in B. C. 56 in behalf of M. Caelins, who had been with him in Africa. (Sal. Cat. 30 ; Cic. pro Cael. 30.)

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