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PHILA'GRIUS (Φιλάγριος

1. A Greek medical writer, born in Epeirus, lived after Galen and before Oribasius, and therefore probably in the third century after Christ. According to Suidas (s. r.) he was a pupil of a physician named Naumachius, and practised his profession chiefly at Thessalonica.


Theophilus gives him the title of περιοδευτής (Comment. in Hippocr. "Aphor.", in Dietz, Schol. in Hippocr. et Gal. vol. ii. p. 457), which probably means a physician who travelled from place to place in the exercise of his profession. He seems to have been well known to the Arabic medical writers, by whom he is frequently quoted 1, and who have preserved the titles of the following of his works :-- (See Wenrich, De Auctor. Graecor. Version. et Comment. Arab. Syriac. &c. p. 296.) Suidas says he wrote as many as seventy volumes, but of these works only a few fragments remain, which are preserved by Oribasius, Aetius, and others. In Cyril's Lexicon (Cramer's Anecd. Graeca Paris. vol. iv. p. 196) he is enumerated among the most eminent physicians.

1 * The name appears in a very corrupted form in the old Latin translations of these writers, e. g. Filoycrius, Filogoriseus, Faneligoris ; and even in a modern version it is metamorphosed into Phylagoraus and Phylagryus. See Sontheimer's Zusammengesetzte Heilmittel der Araber, &c. 1845, pp. 74, 198.

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