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Nerva, Lici'nius

2. A. Licinius Nerva is called the brother of Caius by Drumann, which is possible, but no proof is alleged. He was a tribunus plebis, B. C. 178, and he proposed that the consul, A. Manlius Vulso, should not hold his command among the Istri beyond a certain day, the object of the tribune being to bring Manlius to trial for misconducting the war. (Liv. 41.10.) In B. C. 171 Nerva was one of three commissioners sent to Crete to get archers for the army of the consul P. Licinius Crassus, and in B. C. 169 he was sent with others into Macedonia to examine and report on the state of the Roman anny there, and the resources of king Perseus. In B. C. 166, he was a praetor, with one of the Hispaniae as his province. (Liv. 42.35, 44.18, 45.44.)

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