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2. Of Syracuse, likewise an historian, seems to have lived about the time of Philip and Alexander the Great of Macedonia.


Ἀσίας Περίπλους

He was the author of a work entitled Ἀσίας Περίπλους (Athen. 6.265, vii. p. 321, xiii. p. 609).

Περὶ Σικελίας

His is the author of a work entitled Περὶ τῶν ἐν Σικελία Θαυμαζομένων (Athen. 1.19, xiii. p. 588), which is sometimes simply referred to by the title Περὶ Σικελίας. (Athen. 8.331, x. p. 452; Schol. ad Theocrit. 1.69, 5.15, ad Hom. Od. μ. 301, where, instead of Μεμψήδωρος. we should read Νυμφόδωρος; comp. Aelian, Ael. NA 11.20.)

On Sardinia

Aelian (Ael. NA 16.34) quotes a statement from Nymphodorus relating to the use the Sardinians made of goat-skins, and from which it might be inferred that he also wrote on Sardinia, but this may have been a mere digression introduced into his work on Sicily.

Further Information

Plin. Elenck. libb. iii. v. vii. xxxiii. xxxiv. xxxv.; Tertull. De An. 57 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. Ἀθύρας; Harpocrat., Hesych. s. v. αἰγίδας; comp. Ebert, Dissert. Sicul. pp. 155-222.


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