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*Manti/qeos), an Athenian, is mentioned by Xenophon (Xenoph. Hell. 1.1.10), as having been taken prisoner in Caria, but by whom, and on what occasion, does not appear, unless it was (according to the suggestion of Weiske) in the unsuccessful expedition of the Athenians to Caria and Lycia, under Melesander, in B. C. 430. (Thuc. 2.69.) Mantitheus was the companion of Alcibiades in his escape, in B. C. 411, from Sardis, where Tissaphernes had confined him (Xen. l.c. ; Plut. Alc. 27, 28). In B. C. 408 he was one of the ambassadors sent from Athens to Dareius; but he and his colleagues were delivered, on their way through Asia Minor, by Pharnabazus to Cyrus, who had come down with instructions from his father to aid the Lacedaemonians; and it was three years before they were released. (Xen. Hell. 1.3.13, 4.4-7.)


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