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2. A general in the service of Pyrrhus king of Epeirus, who sent him forward with a body of troops to garrison the citadel of Tarentum, previous to his own arrival in Italy. (Zonar. 8.2.) He appears to have accompanied Pyrrhus throughout his campaigns in that country, and is mentioned as urging the king to continue the war after the battle of Heracleia in opposition to the pacific counsels of Cineas. When Pyrrhus went into Sicily, B. C. 278, lie left Milon to hold the command in Italy during his absence; ond when he finally quitted that country and withdrew into Epeirus, he still left him in charge of the citadel of Tarentum, together with his son Helenus. According to Justin, they were both recalled by Pyrrhus himself soon afterwards; but Zonaras states that he was hard pressed by the Tarentines themselves, assisted by a Carthaginian fleet, and was in consequence induced to surrender the citadel to the Romans, on condition of being allowed to withdraw his garrison in safety. (Zonar. 8.4, 5, 6; Justin 25.3.)

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278 BC (1)
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