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A short treatise, entitled τοῦ μακαρίου Μάρκου τοῦ Διαδόχου κατὰ Ἀρειανῶν λόγος, Beati Marci Diadochi Sermo contra Arianos, survives.

There has been considerable doubt as to the time and place in which the author lived. Some have identified him, but without reason, with Diadochus, bishop of Photice, in Epeirus Vetus (Φωτικῆς τῆς ἐν τῇ παλαιᾷ Ἠπείρῳ ἐπίσκοπος), who wrote a work on the ascetic life which is briefly described by Photius (Bibl. cod. 201), and whom critics, on uncertain ground, assign to the middle of the fifth century. But there is no ground for this identification, as Diadochus of Photice does not appear to have been ever called Marcus. Others suppose Marcus Diadochus to have been one of the two Egyptian bishops of the name of Marcus, who were banished by the Arians during the patriarchate of George of Cappadocia [GEORGIUS, No. 7] at Alexandria, and who, having been restored in the reign of Julian, were present (A. D. 362) at a synod held at Alexandria, and are named in the heading of the letter of Athanasius, usually cited as Tomus ad Antiochenos. (Comp. Athanas. Apolog. de Fuga sua, 100.7.) Galland suggests that Marcus Diadochus may have been one of two bishops of the name of Marcus, ordained by Alexander, the predecessor of Athanasius, and who were banished by the Arians, one into the Oasis Magna in Upper Egypt, and the other to the Oasis of Ammon (Athanas. Hist. Arianor. ad Monach. 100.72); but we identify these with the two just mentioned.


This treatise was published with a Latin version, by Jo. Rudolph. Wetstenius, subjoined to his edition of Origen, De Oratione, 4to. Basel, 1694, and was reprinted, with a new Latin version, in the Bibliotheca Patrum of Galland, vol. v. p. 242.

Further Information

Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ix. p. 266, &c.; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 356, vol. i. p. 217; Galiand. Bibioth. Putrum. Proleg. ad Vol. 5.100.14.

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