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Εὐρυσάκης), a son of the Telamonian Ajax and Tecmessa, was named after the broad shield of his father. (Soph. Aj. 575; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 857; Serv. ad Aen. 1.623; Philostr. Heroic. 11. 2.) An Athenian tradition related, that Eurysaces and his brother Philaeus had given up to the Athenians the island of Salamis, which they had inherited from their grandfather, and that the two brothers received in return the Attic franchise. One of the brothers then settled at Brauron, and the other at Melite. Eurysaces was honoured like his father, at Athens, with an altar. (Plut. Sol. 10; Paus. 1.35.2.)


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