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Cale'cas, Joannes

Ἰωάννης Καλήκας), was patriarch of Constantinople from A. D. 1333 to to 1347. (Cantacuz, Hist. Byz. 3.21.) He was a native of the town of Apri or Aprus in Thrace, and before he was made patriarch he held a high ecclesiastical office at the court of the emperor Andronicus.



He delivered a great number of homilies at Constantinople, which created great sensation in their time, and sixty of which are said to be still extant in MS.


nly two of them have been published by Grester (De Cruce, ii. p. 1363, &c., and 1477, &c.), and the latter under the erroneous name of Philotheus.

Further Information

Cave, Hist. Lit. ii. p. 497, &c., ed. Lond.; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. xi. p. 591, &c.


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