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Crassus, Clau'dius

19. M. Licinius Crassus Dives, the elder son of the triumvir (No. 17) by Tertulla. (Cic. Fam. 5.8.) From his resemblance to the senator Axius, there was a slander that his mother had been unfaithful to her husband. After his younger brother Publius had left Caesar, Marcus became Caesar's quaestor in Gaul, and at the breaking out of the civil war, in B. C. 49 was prefect in Cisalpine Gaul. (Caes. Gal. 5.24; Justin 42.4.) It is possible that he was the husband of the Caecilia or Metella, who appears by an inscription in Gruter (p. 377, No. 7) to have been the wife of M. Crassus, and has by some genealogists been wrongly given to the triumvir. (Drumann, Gesch. Roms ii. p. 55.)

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