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3. A son of the preceding, and his successor in the office of high priest of Comana. (Strab. xvii. p.796, xii. p. 558.) In B. C. 51, in which year Cicero was proconsul of Cilicia, Archelaus assisted with troops and money those who created disturbances in Cappadocia and threatened king Ariobarzanes II.; but Cicero compelled Archelaus to quit Cappadocia. (Cic. Fam. 15.4.) In B. C. 47, J. Caesar, after the conclusion of the Alexandrine war, deprived Archelaus of his office of high priest, and gave it to Lycomedes. (Appian, de Bell. Mithr. 121; Hirt. de Bell. Alex. 66.)

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