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1. King of the Odrysae in Thrace, was a friend of Alcibiades, and is mentioned at the time of the battle of Aegospotami, B. C. 405. (Diod. 13.105.) He and Seuthes were the most powerful princes in Thrace when Xenophon visited the country in B. C. 400. They were, however, frequently at variance, but were reconciled to one another by Thrasybulus, the Athenian commander, in B. C. 390, and induced by him to become the allies of Athens. (Xen. Anab. 7.2.32, 3.16, 7.3, &c., Hell. 4.8.26; Diod. 14.94.) This Amadocus may perhaps be the same as the one mentioned by Aristotle, who, he says, was attacked by his general Seuthes, a Thracian. (Pol. 5.8, p. 182, ed. Göttling.)

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