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περιποιοῦντας ‘surrounding the name of Athens with infamy’ (not περιποιούμενοι, ‘winning’ disgrace for her). Cp. Plat. Apol. 35 A, αἰσχύνην τῇ πόλει περιάπτειν.

στεφανίταις A wreath of wild olive at Olympia; of laurel at Delphi; of pine at Nemea; of parsley at the Isthmus. Cp. Plut. Praec. Ger. Reip. XXVII. 820 C (simple rewards, of an honorary, not a substantial kind, ought to suffice in a Republic), ὥσπερ οὐκ ἀργυρίτην οὐδὲ δωρίτην ἀγῶνα πολιτείας ἀγωνιζομένοις, ἀλλὰ ἱερὸν ὡς ἀληθῶς καὶ στεφανίτην, ‘seeing that the competition of political life is not for money or gifts, but in truth a sacred contest, of which the prize is a wreath’ (as in the great national ἀγῶνες of Greece).

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