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διὰ τῆς ἑτ. ὠμότ.] ‘than receive benefits through the rude hands of others’. The meaning is not that the mercies of others are cruel, but that their way of doing good is harsh. The flatterers of Athens alluded, of course, to Spartan manners.

οἱ δὲ ταυ_τα...κατηγορ.] ‘Others [=οἱ δυσκόλως πρὸς ὑμᾶς ἔχοντες, § 299, opp. to οἱ μέν, ib.] disparage these merits, and, recounting the malignities and disasters of the slander mongers, denounce Athens at large as unsocial and cruel’: i.e. they quote the bitter things which the συκοφάνται say of Athenian life, and then point to the penalties which these calumniators sometimes incur, — inferring that Athens is savage because such men are punished.

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