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τὸ ἐπὶ Σκαμανδρίου ψήφ A ψήφισμα forbidding that citizens should be put to the torture. A decree of the Βουλή (then temporarily invested with plenary powers) could of course suspend this. — Cp. Herm. Ant. I. § 141. 15.

ὅπως μὴ...ἔσται This would be regular in an object-clause (as σκοπῶ ὅπως μὴ ἔσται): here, in a final clause, we should expect rather ὅπως μὴ . But the notion of contriving how the object may be attained is uppermost, and so the clause is virtually an object-clause. Xen. Cyr. II. 1. 21, οὐδὲ δι᾽ ἓν ἄλλο τρέφονται ὅπως μαχοῦνται. Goodwin § 44. 1.

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