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καιροῖς: καιρός means ‘time’ in the sense of ‘a point of time’, so ‘moment’, ‘opportunity’, ‘crisis’; χρόνος is ‘time’ in general or ‘period of time’ (see also note on § 19).

διατρίβειν: sc. τὸν χρόνον, see note on § 24 διαγαγεῖν. διατρίβειν is lit. ‘to rub away’ (cp. Latin tempus terere), so with τὸν χρόνον ‘to spend time’, so ‘live’, sometimes in a bad sense ‘to waste time’. The substantive διατριβή means (1) ‘spending time’, so ‘pastime’ (‘pass-time’), ‘amusement’, ‘society’ (as in ad N. 29); (2) ‘serious employment’, ‘study’ (as in § 78, N. C. 1); so (3) ‘discussion’, ‘conversation’ (as in § 74); (4) ‘waste of time’.

ἀνταγωνιστῶν . . . θεατῶν: predicative, ‘while the followers of the tyrant resisted him and the rest of the citizens looked on.’

τοῦ μέν: the tyrant. tou= de/: Evagoras.

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Isocrates, To Nicocles, 29
    • Isocrates, Nicocles or the Cyprians, 1
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