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διὰ χρόνου: interiecto aliquo tempore.

πόθεν φαίνῃ: cf. πόθεν, Σώκρατες, φαίνῃ Plato Prot. init.

Εὔθηρε: not otherwise known.

ὑπὸ ... πολέμου: the end of the Peloponnesian war (404 B.C.) is meant. By the terms of the treaty of peace, the Athenians lost all their possessions outside of Attica.

νυνὶ μέντοι αὐτόθεν: just at present, however, from the city itself.

ἀφῃρέθημεν: pl., refers to the community as the sufferers.

ἐν τῇ ὑπερορίᾳ: i.e. in territories outside of Attica.

κτήματα: for the acc. of the obj. retained with the pass., see G. 1239; H. 724 a.

τῷ σώματι ἐργαζόμενος: by the labor of my hands.

δεῖσθαι: to beg a loan, as the next clause shows.

ἔχοντα: for the acc., see on μαθόντας ποιεῖν i. 1. 9.

ἐφ᾽ ὅτῳ: on which, as security.

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