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λούω, λοέω (cf. lavo), ipf. λοῦον, λὄ (λόϝε), aor. λοῦςεν), subj. λούσῃ, imp. λόεσον, λούσατε, inf. λοέςσαι, part. λοέσα_σα, mid. pres. inf. λούεσθαι, λοῦσθαι, fut. λοέσσομαι, aor. λοέσσατο, λούσαντο, etc., pass. perf. part. λελουμένος: bathe, wash, mid., bathe, get washed. Il. 6.508; fig., of the rising of Sirius, λελουμένος Ὠκεανοῖο, ‘after his bath in Ocean,’ Il. 5.6.
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