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Eth. LINGONES (Λίγγωνες, Pol.), a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls, without doubt a colony or offset of the more powerful Transalpine tribe of the same name, who, according to Livy, migrated into Italy together with the Boii, and settled with them in the plains between the Apennines and the Padus. We learn from Polybius, that they dwelt between the Boii and the Senones, apparently occupying the country about Bononia and as far eastward as the river Utis (Montone), which was the northern limit of the Senones. (Liv. 5.35; Pol. 2.17.) They seem to have been in later times so closely associated with the Boii as to be commonly considered as one nation ; hence we do not meet with any separate mention of their name in history, nor are they noticed by the geographers.


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