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ISTRO´POLIS, ISTRIO´POLIS, HISTRIO´POLIS (Ἰστρόπολις, Ἰστρία πόλις, or simply. Ἴστπος: Istere), a town of Lower Moesia, at the southern extremity of lake Halmyris, on the coast of the Euxine. It was a colony of Miletus, and, at least in Strabo's time, a small town. (Strab. vii. p.319; Plin. Nat. 4.18. 24;, Mela, 2.2; Eutrop. 6.8; Hdt. 2.33; Arrian, Perip. Eux. p. 24; Geog. Rav.5.1.6; Lycoph. 74; Ptol. 3.10.8; Scymn. Fragm. 22; Steph. B. sub voce Amm. Marc. 22.8; Hieroel. p. 637.) But the frequent mention of the place shows that it must have been a commercial town of some importance ; of its history, however, nothing is known. Some modern writers have identified it with Kiusntenza or Kostendsje, the ancient Constantiana, which, however, was in all probability situated to the south of Istropolis.


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