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DICTE (Δίκτη, Strab. x. p.478 Diod. 5.70: Steph. B. sub voce ; Δίκτον, Arat. Phaen. 33 ; Δίκταιον ὄρος, Etym. M. s. v.; Dictaeus M., Plin. Nat. 4.12: Juktas), the well-known Cretan mountain where; according to story, Zeus rested from his labours on earth and in heaven. Here the “lying Cretan” dared to show the tomb of the “Father of gods and men,” which remained an object of veneration or curiosity from an early period to the age of Constantine. (Cic. de N. D. 3.2. 1; Diod. 3.61; Lucian, de Sacrif. 10, vol. i. p. 634, de Jov. Tragoed. 45, vol. ii. p. 693, ed. Hemst.; Origen. c. Cels. 2.143, p. 475, ed. Par.) The stony slopes of the mountain rose to the SE. of Cnossus, ou the E. side. Mr. Pashley found considerable remains of ancient walls at about 100 paces from the summit. The fragments offered good specimens of the polygonal construction. (Trav. vol. i. p. 220.) These, no doubt, are the remains of that ancient city described by the Venetian writer (Descrizione dell' Isola di Candia) as lying on the E. or opposite side of the mountain to Lyctus, of which Ariosto (Orland. Fur. 20.15) makes mention:--
Fra cento alme città cheano in Creta,
Dictea più ricca, e più piacevol era.

On the lower slopes was the fountain, on the wonders of which the Venetian writer gives a glowing description (Mus. Class. Antiq. vol. ii. p. 270), and which must, therefore, have existed at an earlier date than that recorded by the inscription as given by Mr. Pashley (Trav. vol. i. p. 211.)


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