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CORSEIA (Κορσεία).


A town of Boeotia, sometimes included in Opuntian Locris, was the first place which the traveller reached after crossing Mt. Khlomó from Cyrtones. In the Sacred War it was taken by the Phocians, along with Orchomenus and Coroneia. In the plain below, the river Platanius joined the sea. Its site is probably represented by the village Proskyná, on the heights above which are the remains of an ancient acropolis. (Paus. 9.24.5; Diod. 16.58; Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 385; called Χορσία by Steph. B. sub voce Leake, Northern Greece, vol. ii. p. 184; Forchhammer, Hellenika, p. 179.)


Scylax mentions Κορσίαι as aport of Boeotia on the Corinthian gulf. It appears from Pliny that there was a second town of this name in the western part of Boeotia, and that it was distinguished from the other by the name of Thebae Corsicae. ( “Thebis quae Corsicae cognominatae sunt juxta Heliconem,” Plin. Nat. 4.3. s. 4.) It is probably represented by the modern Khósia. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. ii. P. 521.)

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