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COLIS (Κωλίς, Dion. Perieg. 1148; Mela, 3.7; Fest. Avienus,5.1355), a district on the Malabar coast, opposite to Ceylon,and a little to the northward of Cape Comorin. As stated elsewhere [COLCHI INDIAE], ere is a great confusion in the names which the ancients have preserved of the places on this coast; and it is very likely that the names Calligicum, Coliacum, [p. 1.644]Colis, and Colias, refer to one and the same district. That it was N. of Cape Comorin is quite clear; and if Colias and Colis be one and the same, it is clear that it was not far to the N., as Dionysius (5.951) evidently describes the former as opposite to Ceylon. Ptolemy and Marcian connect with Calligicum another promontory, which they call Cory (Κῶρυ ἄκρον), a projecting strip of land to the E. of the Sinus Colchicus: it has been supposed by Ritter (Erdk. v. p. 517) to be the same as the present Panban, opposite the island of Ramanan Kor. Pliny (6.20. s. 23) speaks of a Promontory Calingon,--doubtless the Calligicum of Ptolemy.


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