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CEPI MILESIO´RUM (Κῆπος, Κῆποι, Strab. xi. p.494; Anon. Peripl.; Pomp. Mela, 1.19.15; Diod. 20.24; Procop. Bell. Goth. 4.5; Cepi, Cepos, Peut. Tab.; Ceppos, Geog. Raven.), a town of the Cimmerian Bosporus founded by the Milesians (Scymn.; Plin. Nat. 6.6), and situated to N. of the Asiatic coast. Dr. Clarke (Trav. vol. ii. p. 77) identifies Sienna with this place, and the remarkable Milesian sepulchres found there in such abundance confirm this position. Near to this spot stood a monument raised by Comosarya, a Queen of the Bosporus, who as it appears from the inscription which has been preserved, was wife of Parysades, and dedicated it to the Syro-Chaldaic deities Anerges and Astara. (Köler, Mém. sur le Monument de la Reine Comosarye. St. Petersburg, 1805.)


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