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BRIGA´NTIUM (Βριγάντιον, D. C. 37.53; Flavium Brigantium, Φγαυύιον Βριγάντιον, Ptol. 2.6.4; Brigantia, Oros. 2.2), an important seaport town of the Callaïci Lucenses, on the Magnus or Artabrorum Portus (Bay of Ferrol and Coruña), 35 M. P. NW. of Lucus Augusti (Itin. Ant. p. 424). Some geographers identify it with El Ferrol, others with Betanzos, and others with La Coruña, identifying the ancient tower at this place with the great lighthouse of Brigantium mentioned by Orosius. (Florez, Esp. S. 19.14; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 437.)


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